Wednesday, September 16, 2009

how to start a lord of the rings army for begginers

Hello, this is my first attempt at writing a guide on ebay and it is about lord of the rings warhammer. Namely how to start an army, enjoy :).How to start a lord of the rings army...1.First of all you need to pick which side you want to collect, this could be either Good or Evil. Personally i collect the good army but it all depends on what you like. 2.Next you need to pick whether there is a specific kind of troop you want to collect. For the good side these are like Gondor, Rohan or Elves. Or for Evil there are teams like Isengard or mordor. There are lots more than those are just an example. You do not need to pick a specific army but it is always a good idea to start off with just one so you dont get too carried away.3.After you have made this decision then its time to buy some models.4.To do this, take the army you are buying and look around for different troops. To start i would reccommend getting troops and not heroes. For example if you want to start with gondor you could buy some warriors of minas tirith. For other armies there are: Mordor orcs, Rohan warriors or Isengard uruk-hai.5.The biggest mistake you culd make at this point is to buy masses and masses of warhammer. This is because when you see all of this warhammer unpainted and glued, it can look quite danting and you cant really be bothered to do it.6. The best thing to do is limit yourself to only get more when you have finished painting all of your other models.I hope that this guide gives new lord of the rings gamers hints from my mistakes. Thanks for reading.

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