Thursday, July 22, 2010

Shockleader calculations - BE SAFE!!

We all dream of casting over the horizon, we go out, purchase an 18ft rod and a Turbo reel load it up with line and go down to the beach ready to fish.

How many of us actually consider the safety aspect of casting a lead weight of up to 8oz? Most of the time the lead will have grip wires attached, not to mention the 4/0 hook on the trace!

As a rule, if you are going to cast from a beach or anywhere really then a Shockleader MUST be used. A shockleader is exactly what it says, it take the Shock from the cast.

Most of us use a mainline of between 12lbto 20lb when we fish, once this has a knot on it the strength can reduce by around 30 percent. When you cast the stress on your line is emense20lb line can snap like cotton. This can cause your lead to fly off at around 100 miles per hour, injuring you or worse still an innocent passer by.

Anyway, the solution is simple ALWAYS use a Shockleader the calcualtions below are simple.

Lead Weight in Ounces x 10 - for example:-

2oz = 20lb Shockleader

3oz = 30lb Shockleader

6oz = 60lb Shockleader

Rememeber - enjoy yourself but be safe to yourself and other around you!

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