I cannot stress enough the importance if a good title, You have 55 characters to sell yourLISTING with. so instead of 1995 toyota mr2 2.0, Try, FANTASTIC MR2 SPORTS, DO NOT MISSTHIS ONE.or something similar, the title will always come up in the Toyota Search as it is listed in that category, it will always come up in a search for MR2 as it is in the title, it will always stand out among the other toyota MR2 listings because you have told them to not miss it, everyone will be intrigued and look anyway. remember at this point you are selling the listing not the car.
Auto filling the details
This automatic details feature is very useful, just input the registration number and ebay will do the rest. however always check it through for errors, it frequently misses out the extra options your car may have or you have added, for example, In car entertainment upgrades,aftermarket alloys. tick all the right boxes and check yout mot and tax disc dates are what they actually are and not what you think they are, it a simple mistake to put Aug MOT only to find it is actually July.
Now theDescription.
This is your chance to sell the car. FIRST RULE. TELL THE TRUTH. if you dont your buyer will be pissed off and want to haggle or they willjust walk away and tell the ebay world you are a liar and a cheat, your entire description is your part of the legally binding two way contract between you the seller and yourbuyer, if your description lives up to the cars condition, you have fullfilled your part of the contract, the buyer then has no reason notto fullfill thiers and pay you.
Remember you are selling so use your imagination, describe how the car drives,how it looks,emphasise its good points and any recent work it has had done, remember to reiterate its features but with flair, for example instead of AIR CON, how about ICE COLD AIR CONDITIONING, Instead ofCDPLAYER, use FACTORY FITTED TOYOTAICE SYSTEM, so my example for our 1995 MR2 would read.
For sale is my super MR2 Sports car, It is in excellent condition inside and out for a car that is now 11 years old thoughyou would not think so by its apearance,it stilllooks stunning when polished and drives just as an MR2 should with plenty of power and the MR2s legendery road holding, Every thing works as it should, the Air conditioning is Ice Cold in Summer and the factory fitted Toyota sound system is superb to listen to, the car is 11 years old and does have the odd minor fault but as far as I can tell thier is nothing mechanical or expensive to fix, I have listed them below.
wear to drivers seat condusive with age. usualstone chips to front skirt and odd trolley ding and minor scratch here and there, nothing major.
do not lie about the bad points but be matter of fact, your buyer is not looking to buy a new car so point out that the faults are to be expected either due to age or normal wear and tear, do draw their attention to the good points, make your good points list phisically bigger and make them stand out more by using capitals or a slightly bigger font.
The Photo.
Never has a truer word been said than a picture saves a thousand words, take your pictures in good light and keep taking them until you get a selection of at least 6 good different ones, carefully choose picture one as this is the one that will appear in the listing and helps to sell your listing, As the MR2 is a low down car get down to take the picture, do not be afraid to ask a bit of eye candy, wife girlfriendto stand with your car as a pretty girl will always get the guys to open the listing page. for an MR2 my picture 1 would be a front veiw with both doors open, windows down,taken from front grill hieght with a suitably clad girl leaning over the drivers door, irresistable.
The Price.
Be realistic, look at the price similar cars are fetching, either set a reserve or a start price that you would accept if someone turned up on your doorstep with pound notes today. each car is different and so is each seller but at the end of the day the buyer sets the market price not the seller.
Closing The Deal.
The auction is over, your price was met and the deal now needs tidying up, 1.ask for a deposit of say a 100 within 24 hours of auction end, this will help you ensure your bidder was a genuine bidder not some 13 year old schoolboy prank. Ask for the balance in cash on collection within 7 days or to a timescale that suits you.
Offer to return the deposit if the buyer is not happy that the car is as described, 2 parts to this, 1.If you have been honest you would be confident that your description is accurate. 2. your buyer now has confidence in you as a seller.
Have everything ready for collection, documents,2 copies of thereceipt, spare keys etc, and a copy of your ebay description,allow them time to check you are fullfilling your part of the contract, take them for ademonstration drive, point out the negative and positives from your description, ask them if they are happy that they are getting what they expected, if they agree that is it, accept the money sign the receipts and keep one each. agree to leave positive feedback for each other and wish them a safe journey home.
The Receipt.
The wording of the receipt is quite important as it should clearly state that the buyer has purchased under the rules of caveat emptor, buyer beware, soan example wording could be.
Receipt for 2500 for purchase of MR2 registered no M*** ***
The vehicle is sold as seen and wothout any warranty, the buyer has had the opportunity to inspect the vehicle and satisfy himself / herself that the vehicle has met the description supplied by me and now take full ownership and responsibility for the vehicle from this date.
signed dated(seller)
signed dated (buyer)
Finally, everybody has a different concept of condition, do not be suprised by buyers critism's, justtake it in good heart and point out that they knew the car was not new, and that the condition reflects its age and expected wear and tear,ask them, would'nt you agree, 99% will see the sense of what you are saying, most important of all,do not let the sale become adversarial or it will not succeed.
Do try to avoid negative feedback by keeping the customer happy but do not let the buyer blackmail you or bully you, if the buyer leaves you no choice (leaving negative for you leaves you with no choice) then regretfully, leave them a negativeto warn other sellers.
I hope you have found this useful and informative and will take the time to say so.
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